about image

About Me 01.

I am Mickey, I'm passionate about tech, coding, IT & music.

If you want to know more about me or my services, feel free to reach out and contact me - Always happy to chat!

The best place to find me online is on Discord: @mickeygeecom
For my other socials, go to the bottom of my page 🤗

Name: Mickey Gee

Age: 33

Phone: (+45) 60 18 55 81

Address: Odense, Denmark

My Skills 02.

Personal Skills







Professional Skills







My Services 03.

IT-architecture & Operation

Extensive knowledge in setting up IT-environments - Scalable and with budget respect.

DDoS Mitigation

In a modern world DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) can be very harmful for your business.


Several years of coding experience, and currently studying Computer Science AP to enhance coding skills.


Been playing professionally as DJ since 2007, and yet enjoying making people dance and having a blast of a night!

Voice-overs & Speaks

As a side gig, I've been doing voice-overs and speaks for various stuff. See more at unaspeak.dk

Happy to help

Reach out to me, if you want to chat or want to know more about me or my services.

My Resume 04.

  • 2022 - present


    Tiny hobby project where I host Virtual Private Servers for game-servers for friends & family.

  • 2018 - present

    Community Manager - SocialRP

    Founder, Community Manager and responsible for IT-operations of an online gaming community with more than active 13.000 members.

  • 2008 - present

    DJ - Mickey Gee

    Playing various bookings: cafés, discoteques, restaurations, company- and private parties: weddings, birthdays etc.

    10+ years of experience. I can also be helpful with light- & soundsystems.

    Booking? Contact me through this site or give me a call.

    Events: • DHB - Danmarks Hurtigste Bil Partytelt
    • SPECIFIC RADIO Release Party Nightclubs:
    • Café Kræz, Odense
    • Under Uret, Svendborg
    • Blomsten & Bien, Odense
    • Underground Odense
    • Old Irish Pub - Odense, Kolding, Vejle, Slagelse, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Horsens
    • The Gap Odense
    • Barracuda, Odense

    • YouSee Christmas Party
    • Fabbo Christmas Party
    • PwC Summer Party

    • Numerous of private parties
    • Students freshers' trip (Negot, SDU)

  • 2008 - present

    Speaks & Voiceovers

    Selling voiceovers, speaks, jingles, and whatnot at fair prices. Ask for a non-commiting offer: unaspeak.dk

  • 2007 - 2022

    Radio Manager - SPECIFIC RADIO

    Responsible for anything that kept and keep this radio running: Recruiting, economic, music management, coordinating, servers and opereration in generel. Had a staff of 25-30 volunteers: radiohosts, deejays, supporters and programmers. The slogan was: "Delivering the best in electronic music.".

  • 2017 - 2017

    Debt Manager - 3C Retail A/S

    Debt management (inkasso) and pro-active debt collection from customers whom been extremely overdue their payment deadline.

  • 2014 - 2015

    IT Supporter - Odense Kommune

    Internally supported Odense Kommune's many thousand employees. Everything from basic hardware replacement to advanced backend and network.

    - Troubleshooting onsite or remotely
    - Contact with employees
    - Fixing stuff

  • 2009 - 2013

    Sales Representative - Various

    Sold various products for various firms - both physically in-store and on the phone. This gave me a great insight on first encounters with potential customers.

Fun Facts 06.


Pepsi Max consumed


times burped