Learning Plan
Week 33-34
- Find a company that has synergy with Machine Learning / AI, and programming
- Figure out a potential product
Machine Learning and AI is a gigantic field to try to understand and get into, which lead me straight into confusion.
Week 35-36
- Get a better understanding of what the term AI and Machine Learning actually is professionally
- Maybe create some sort of AI / ML Demo
I looked various articles, videos, forums, and I didn’t got latched onto where to get started or how to get going.
Though, a company was found (Givskud Zoo), and we started debating possibilities that was realistic for us to make.
Week 37-38
- Pick a SPA language
- Vue, React, Angular, Svelte (Wikipedia)
- Vue, React, Angular, Svelte (Wikipedia)
I decided to change my focus to SPA, as the AI/ML stuff confused me more than I learned anything. I picked React, and got into it fairly easy. Read more on my blog post here: https://mickeygee.com/blog/getting-on-with-react/
Week 39-40
- Combine AI / ML with SPA usage
I lacked knowledge and understanding of Machine Learning and AI, so I decided to learn Python, as every where I looked and read, everyone was recommending and saying this was the ‘go to’ code language for AI/ML. I went to Kaggle and did the basic intro courses for Python, with success.
Week 41-42
- Startup product with product group
No where close to being able to build something, that I believed was truly AI or Machine Learning; I continued my journey towards trying to understand AI/ML and filling in the gaps and skill up. I felt over Dave Ebbelaar on YouTube, which have created ‘Data Alchemy’ on skool.com – This has been a huge inspiration for me, and finally something that I could latch onto. I’ve learned more in 2 days, than the past weeks, by following his videos, resources, and guides.
Week 43-44